Thursday, August 28, 2008

How to Act at a Meet and Greet

Meet and greets are a stepping stone for some to connect with other couples or singles with similar interests and to enjoy a casual evening in a relaxed setting. For those unsure of how to carry themselves and to understand the type of behavior expected at these events, follow the tips mentioned here for a smoother evening.

Practice treating the ones you meet in the manner in which you would want to be treated. Be kind and considerate of others' feelings.

Smile and introduce yourself to others and remember to relax and behave in a non-aggressive manner. If you are not interested in a particular person, still continue to behave nicely.

Accept rejections with respect and continue to move about the meet and greet to get to know as many people as you can throughout the evening. There is always the possibility they may connect you with someone you want to spend more time with.

Control your drinking so you always keep your composure and can still function, especially if you have to drive home afterwards.

Refrain from negative talk of others in the groups. If you encounter someone that is aggressive and you are not interested, simply move away to another area of the meet and greet event.

Adopt a no drugs rule and stick to it. Keep your partner aware of your encounters. Smoke only in the areas assigned for such.

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