Sunday, August 3, 2008

How to Accessorize Your Cocktails

Cocktails are universal icebreakers at a party. First, the bar gives you a destination to head toward when you enter the party. Cocktails are also the perfect props so your hands are not awkwardly hanging. And, finally they definitely take the edge off of a hard day. Oprah even says that she likes to greet her guests at the door with champagne to loosen everyone up. What a wonderful idea! As a host you want to provide the best atmosphere for guests to interact. That means giving them excuses to chat each other up. Accessorizing a cocktail can help the minglephobic amongst us - just dress them up with alter ego name tags.

Format a page on your computer to make a template of tags about the size of business cards. Or buy small tags at the craft store (the kind used for a garage sale) and write them by hand.

Fill in each card space with a sassy alter ego name and add a border or other graphics (depending on your computer savvy for graphics). Leave some tags blank for guests to complete.

Print pages of the cards on card stock weight paper (consider using colored paper if it fits the vibe of your party). Cut out the cards using a paper cutter or shaped scissors (available at craft stores). Punch a small hole in the upper left-hand corner and tie to the stem of the glassware using ribbon, cording or string.

Leave the cards on the bar for guests to select or pre-tie them to the glassware and invite guests to choose their glass.

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